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Low Income Household Water Assistance Program

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is an emergency water assistance program that was created by the federal government to help families who are experiencing hardship. LIHWAP will assist families who are behind on their water and wastewater bills to ensure their service remains active and can also be used to restore service that was previously disconnected. LIHWAP is a grant paid directly to Aqua for the customer's account.

Click on your state below to learn more about LIHWAP in your state. Please note, if your state isn't reflected below, LIHWAP is now closed to applications, thank you.

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What is LIHWAP?

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a NEW emergency water assistance program that was created by the federal government to help families that are experiencing hardship with their water bills.

LIHWAP will assist Indiana families who are behind on their wastewater and drinking water bills to ensure their service remains active and can also be used to restore service that was previously disconnected.

LIHWAP is a grant paid directly to Aqua for the customer’s account.

Who is eligible for LIHWAP?

Indiana households that make 60% of the state median income (60 SMI) or less may qualify for LIHWAP benefits. See the chart found here for a detailed breakdown of income qualifications.

How do customers apply for LIHWAP?

Indiana residents who qualify for energy assistance (EAP), can be considered for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) funding as well. When completing the EAP application, customers just need to check the box to apply for water assistance.

Apply here: 

Where can customers learn more?

Aqua Indiana wants to support customers in need of financial support. Customers can call the State\ Information Center Monday through Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm at 1.800.457.8283 (1.800.45.STATE) to learn more about LIHWAP and other programs that can help with utility bills.


What is LIHWAP?

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a NEW emergency water assistance program that was created by the federal government to help families that are experiencing hardship with their water bills.

LIHWAP will assist Ohio families who are behind on their drinking water and wastewater bills to ensure their service remains active and can also be used to restore service that was previously disconnected.

LIHWAP is a grant paid directly to Aqua for the customer’s account.

Who is eligible for LIHWAP?

All Ohio-based residential customers are eligible to receive LIHWAP funds. Those with a household income at or below 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines that are facing disconnection, have been disconnected or are not in disconnect status with provider may apply for benefits. See the chart found here for a detailed breakdown of income guidelines.

How do customers apply for LIHWAP?

Local community action agencies are available throughout Ohio to assist qualifying residents.

You can begin your application online at but will need to contact your local Energy Assistance Provider to complete your application.

Where can customers learn more?

Aqua Ohio wants to support customers in need of financial support. Customers can visit to learn more about LIHWAP and other programs that can help with utility bills.


What is LIHWAP?

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a NEW emergency water assistance program that was created by the federal government to help families that are experiencing hardship with their water bills.

LIHWAP will assist Texas families who are behind on their drinking water and wastewater bills to ensure their service remains active. The program can fully cover the costs of arrearages and can also be used to restore service who was previously disconnected or to prevent termination. LIHWAP is a grant paid directly to Aqua for the customer's account.

Que es LIHWAP?

El Programa de Asistencia para el Servicio de Agua (LIHWAP) es un nuevo programa de ayuda con la cuenta del servicio del agua creado por el gobierno federal para ayudar a familias que tienen dificultad econmica para pagar la cuentas.

El programa ofrece ayuda a familias del estado de Texas que estan retrasadas en el pago del servicio de agua y alcantarillado para asegurar la continuacion del servicio. El programa cubre la cantidad de retraso y tambien puede ser usado para la reconexion del servicio que fue cortado por falta de pago o para cubrir una notificacion de corte de servicio.

Who is eligible for LIHWAP?

Any Texas-based customer fitting the income guidelines is eligible to apply for LIHWAP funds. Applicants' total gross household income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines. See the chart found here for a detailed breakdown of income guidelines.

Quien puede aplicar para el programa de LIHWAP?

Cualquier consumidor que viva en el estado de Texas que Ilene los requisitos de IImites de ingresos. El aplicante debe recibir al mes un total de no mas del 150% del lomite proporcionado por gobierno federal. Revise la grafica para detalles.

How do customers apply for LIHWAP?

Qualifying Texas residents can contact their local community action agencies for information on the program, eligibility requirements and application assistance. Provider contact information is available through the state's Texas Utility Help online portal. Residents without access to a computer or the internet can dial 211 for more information about applying.

Find your local provider: 

Como puede aplicar para el Programa de LIHWAP?

Residentes de Texas pueden contactar las agencias de Community Action para informacion del programa y los requisitos. Para mas informacion ingrese a la pagina Texas Utility Help en Linea. Residentes que no tengan acceso a una computadora o a internet pueden llamar al 211 para mas informacion de como aplicar al programa.

Encuentre su proveedor local: 


What is LIHWAP?

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a NEW emergency water assistance program that was created by the federal government to help families that are experiencing hardship with their water bills.

LIHWAP will assist Virginia families who are behind on their drinking water and wastewater bills to ensure their service remains active and can also be used to restore service that was previously disconnected.

LIHWAP is a grant paid directly to Aqua for the customer’s account.

Who is eligible for LIHWAP?

Any Virginia-based customer fitting the income guidelines is eligible to apply for LIHWAP funds. Applicants’ total gross household income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines. Priority will be given to households whose water has been disconnected or is at risk of disconnection. See chart available here for a detailed breakdown of income guidelines.

How do customers apply for LIHWAP?

Qualifying Virginia residents can visit the state’s Department of Social Services website to apply for water assistance. Residents without access to a computer or the internet can call 1.888.373.9908 for assistance with applying.

Apply Here: 

Where can customers learn more?

Aqua Virginia wants to support customers in need of financial support. Customers can visit to learn more about LIHWAP and other programs that can help with utility bills.

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