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Providing High Quality Water Services for You

Family drinking glasses of water at kitchen island

For more than 135 years, Aqua has been providing water and wastewater utility services to more than three million people across eight states.

If you're a new customer, welcome! Head to our New Customers page to learn more about Aqua and the resources we provide our customers. 

If you're a current customer looking to contact us, pay your bill, or learn more about the bill pay resources we have available, you've come to the right place.



Ways to Pay Your Bill

There are multiple ways to pay your Aqua water and wastewater bill, including using our e-Billing system, paying in person, by mail, by phone, and so on!

Customer Assistance Programs

If you are in need of financial assistance to ensure you continue to receive uninterrupted water service, or if you'd like to make a donation to help someone in your community, we're here to help!

Understand My Bill

Do you have some questions about what certain parts of your water bill mean? We've got answers.

Additional Support

Service Alerts

Did you know that you can see service alerts in your area, view a service disruption map or get alerts sent directly to your phone all from our website?

Aqua Customer Forms

There are various forms you may need as a new or current Aqua customer.


Do you need to start new service with Aqua? Do you need to stop your current service or transfer your Aqua service to a new address?

Home Protection Plans

The water and sewer service lines on your property are your financial responsibility. Aqua partners with HomeServe so we can offer our customers protection from the cost and inconvenience of dealing with unexpected line repairs.

Contact Us

Have a question and need to talk to one of our highly trained customer service representatives? Don't hesitate to reach out!


Guides & Tips

Does your bill seem unusually high? Think you might have a leak? We're here to help.

Wait for Full Dishwashers

A full load will use about 10 gallons of water, while running your dishwasher only half-full ends up using twice as much water and electricity!

Upgrade or Retrofit Your Toilet

Upgrade to a dual-flush model or buy a dual-flush handle kit for your existing toilet.

Don't Water the Yard During the Day

Water the lawn, plants and flowers in the morning or late evening when it's cooler, and never water when it's windy.

Aqua Stories

press release

Aqua PA Continues to Enhance Delaware County’s Water Infrastructure

mage of a construction worker wearing an AQUA safety vest and hard hat, with the text 'Press Release' at the bottom of the image.

Aqua PA Continues to Enhance Chester County’s Water Infrastructure


Aqua Ohio Receives OEPA’s Silver Level Encouraging Environmental Excellence Award for Lawrence County Improvements

press release

Aqua Pennsylvania Acquires Greenville Sanitary Authority Wastewater System in Mercer County

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762 West Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
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