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Wastewater Connection

Wastewater Connection

If you’re looking to connect your new or existing home, business or proposed development to one of Aqua’s wastewater systems, detailed process instructions can be found below.

Read on if you want to:

  • Get wastewater service for your home or business
  • Extend a wastewater main to service a new development

Get Wastewater Service

Please use the following step-by-step instructions on how to get wastewater service for your home or business.

First Step - Is Wastewater Service Available?

1. Proceed to our New Connections Portal and submit a New Connection Inquiry. You will need to provide project details including location of the requested service, applicant name and contact information.

2. Aqua will review the sewer service inquiry to determine the following:

  • Is the property requesting service within Aqua’s Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) certified service territory?
  • Is there an existing sewer main that abuts the property requesting service?
  • Does Aqua have adequate capacity available to accept the wastewater flow from this property?

What Happens Next - Aqua Response

1. Aqua will provide an email response to the applicant who submitted the inquiry. The response will:

  • Confirm if the property is within our PUC territory and if there is capacity within our system to allow the connection.
  • Inform the applicant if there is a wastewater main abutting the property that can be connected to.
  • Identify if Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approval is required for the connection.
  • In some cases, it may include a budgetary rough cost estimate for the applicant to connect to Aqua’s wastewater system.
  • Inform the applicant if engineering drawings will be required for the connection.

2. Following reciept of Aqua's response, if the applicant would like to proceed with the connection process, they will need to return the New Connections Portal and submit an application. To make this easier, the email response to your inquiry will include a link to the appropriate application.

Next Step - Obtain DEP and Aqua Approval

1. If the applicant wants to proceed with the connection, they should return to the New Connection Portal and submit a wastewater application. Aqua will then reply with an email outlining next steps. 

2. Aqua will assist in preparing the Sewage Facilities Planning Module Mailer to obtain DEP approval for the connection (if this is necessary).

3. Aqua will provide the applicant with standard details for sewer connections so they can obtain plumber’s quotes to install the sewer lateral from the house to the property line/road right of way (ROW) line. This is the portion of the lateral that the propterty owner will own. A diagram depicting what pieces are Aqua responsibility and which are the property owner's responsibility can be found here. Click here for a list of contractors Aqua has worked with.

4. Aqua will obtain quotes from Aqua prequalified contractors to install the sewer lateral from the ROW line to the sewer main in the street. This is the portion of the lateral that Aqua will own and maintain.

5. Once DEP approval has been obtained, and any required design drawings are approved, Aqua will provide an approval letter for the installation and connection. The letter will include the contact information for the Aqua inspector.

6. All sewer connection work will need to be overseen and inspected by an Aqua representative.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Aqua my sewer provider?

Is there an existing sewer main that abuts the property requesting service that I can connect to?

  • Proceed to our New Connections Portal and submit a New Connection Inquiry for wastewater service. Aqua will review your request and determine if there is a sewer main in front of your property.

Who pays for the connection?

  • The property owner is responsible for connection costs. In some instances, Aqua may be able to contribute up to a predetermined maximum amount for the portion of the sewer that Aqua will own. The contribution is contingent on specific criteria and Aqua's current tariff. Additional information will be provided in the Aqua response to your inquiry.

If there is not a sewer main in front of my house, can Aqua still service my home/project?

  • If Aqua does not have a sewer main in front of your property, Aqua may be able to extend a sewer main to serve the property. These projects require more detailed individual review and are often more costly. Proceed to our New Connections Portal and submit a New Connection Inquiry.

Who makes the service connection?

  • Aqua will coordinate construction for sanitary sewer services located within the public road-right-of-way. This portion of the sewer service will be owned and maintained by Aqua Wastewater and is required to be constructed by an Aqua Qualified contractor. The sewer lateral that extends from the road-right-of-way to the home will be the responsibility of the property owner and can be made by a plumber of their choice. All work will need to be inspected. The property owner is responsible for obtaining all approvals and permits for the installation of sewer infrastructure on their property.

Extend Wastewater Main

Please use the following step-by-step instructions on how to extend a wastewater main to serve a new development.

First Step - Is Wastewater Service Available?

Developers interested in extending wastewater service to either proposed or existing developments shall carefully review the below extension approval process and complete all required steps outlined below:

  1. The developer shall proceed to our New Connections Portal and submit a new connection inquiry for wastewater.
  2. Once a new connection inquiry is submitted, Aqua will then review your request, do a cursory review of capacity, and identify any known capacity or operational issues that may need to be addressed for Aqua to accept the proposed wastewater flow from your development.
  3. The results of this review are not a reservation of capacity. They simply indicate whether there is capacity in the system now, given existing flows in our collection, conveyance, and treatment system (depending on which apply in the particular case).
  4. Aqua does not charge a connection (tapping) fee for new wastewater connections. However, in several of our territories wastewater flows are sent to other conveyance systems or wastewater treatment plants which may charge fees. 
  5. Aqua cannot provide a WILL SERVE Letter for wastewater service, as it is the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection that approves the connection to a wastewater collection, conveyance and treatment system through the sewage facilities planning module process.
  6. If capacity does not exist, or there are components within Aqua's system that need to be improved to serve the proposed development, there may be an opportunity for the developer to contribute to the improvements that are necessary to accept the additional flows from the proposed development. If this is the case, the developer would need to enter into an agreeement which will lay out contributions that may be required to make these system improvements so that Aqua can provide service to the development.

What Happens Next - Aqua Response

  1. Aqua will email you a response informing you of our ability to serve the development and will provide the following information.
    1. If the development is within Aqua's Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) certified service territory.
    2. If there is adequate capacity available to accept wastewater flow from the development.
    3. The location of the nearby manhole for connection.
    4. The flow per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) used in the territory.
    5. The collection and conveyance path for the wastewater flow from the development.
  2. The email response will also contain a link for the applicant to return to the New Connections Portal to provide contact information for the developer, the engineer and provide additional information on the project.
  3. This information will be used to create a project in Procore. Once the project is set up in Procore, the developer's engineer will receive an invitation to join the project in Procore.
  4. All design drawing submissions and reviews, DEP Planning documents and reviews, correspondence, builders extension agreements, shop drawings etc. will be managed through Procore.

Next Step - Initial DEP Planning and Design Review

  1. The developer's engineer shall prepare and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Sewage Facilities Planning Module Mailer and a completed capacity verification form along with all attachments required per the sewage facilities planning module mailer application instructions. The mailer and capacity verification form shall be uploaded to Procore.
  2. Aqua will review the mailer, provide comments, and will once again review capacity. If capacity is available, Aqua will sign the capacity verification form and upload to Procore.
  3. The Developer's Engineer will be responsible for obtaining other signatures on the capacity evaluation form and signature of section 8.d on the mailer. This capacity verification form does not reserve capacity in Aqua’s system for an unlimited time. Signature on the capacity verification form will put your planned connections in the PADEP Chapter 94 Wasteload management reporting for this system.
  4. If there is no progress on your development for a period of one year or more, Aqua may remove your project from our planned connections and our chapter 94 reporting.
  5. The developer's engineer shall submit a complete set of Wastewater Main Extension and Collection System design plans. At a minimum, the plans shall show:
    1. Both plan and profile views of all proposed wastewater improvements showing the proposed layout of service laterals, manhole rim and invert elevations, wastewater main material, size, and slope.
    2. A complete set of *Aqua Standard Details.
    3. All wastewater infrastructure should be shown prominently and clearly with other utilities shown less prominently for ease of review.
    4. Any project phasing shall be clearly defined. 
    5. Address information for each lot shall be included and all streets shall be named.
  6. Aqua will review the plan set for conformance with Aqua standards and return comments to the Developers' Engineer for revision. 
  7. Developer's Engineer will be required to revise and resubmit until all drawings are in conformance with Aqua standards.

Next Step - Additional Planning & Permitting Reqs

  1. If planning modules are required (typically for anything over ten (10) lots), the developer or developers engineer shall submit complete planning module documents to Aqua for review and comment. Aqua will sign module 3 sections M and J for Chapter 94 consistency determination.
  2. If there are capacity issues and upgrades are required or if a pump station is required, a WQM Part II permit will be required. If the development is over 250 lots, PADEP will also require a WQM Part II Permit for the construction of the collection system. The developer's engineer will be responsible for the design of such upgrades in accordance with Aqua standards. Aqua will review all designs and permits for the upgrades and pump stations and will be the applicant on the WQM Permit. The developer is responsible for all costs for design, installation and permitting fees.
  3. If a PennDOT Road opening permit is required, the developers engineer must prepare a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) application including forms M-950AA and M-949C in accordance with PennDOT requirements and submit the application and required attachments to Aqua for review and signature. Aqua will be the applicant. The developer’s engineer will submit the permit on behalf of Aqua and pay all relevant fees.

Next Step - Approval

Once Aqua receives the PADEP planning module approval for the project, and approves the wastewater design, Aqua will provide an approval letter highlighting the following items:

  • Developer will need to enter a builders extension agreement (BEA) with Aqua for the wastewater main extension and any other wastewater system upgrade work.
  • All work will need to be completed by an Aqua Pre-Approved Contractor.
  • The Contractor/builder must submit shop drawings for all materials for review by Aqua prior to commencement of work.
  • All work will need to be inspected by Aqua or by a consultant on behalf of Aqua.
  • A minimum of 72 hours notice will be required prior to the start of work.
  • The contractor/builder will be responsible for the testing of all work in accordance with Aqua's Sanitary Sewer and Force Main Acceptance Testing Requirements.
  • The contractor/builder will be responsible for providing as-built drawings of all the work for review and approval by Aqua.

Next Step - Builders Main Extension Agreement

  1. Once Aqua issues the approval letter, the builder/developer may request a builder’s extension agreement (BEA). To obtain the agreement the builder must submit:
    1. Detailed cost estimate from the Aqua pre-approved contractor that will install the water main.
    2. Copy of the recorded deeds and easements if applicable.
    3. Correct names, addresses, and contacts for each of the parties to the agreement.
    4. Builder is encouraged to request the BEA as soon as approval is received and they can provide these items. Preparing the BEA will take time.
  2. Aqua’s New Business Department will prepare a project specific builder’s extension agreement and attachment package and upload those along with instructions to Procore. 
    1. See boilerplate agreement
    2. See boilerplate attachment package
  3. The builder/developer shall upload the executed agreement and required attachments to Procore, and mail the checks for the Administrative Fee and Value-Added Fee.
  4. Aqua’s new business department will review and approve the BEA for completeness.  If any items are missing, contract approval will be delayed until all items are received, correct and complete. 
  5. The developer/builder will be required to submit a wastewater service application and an electronic excel spreadsheet with all of the addresses for the new homes as part of the builder’s extension agreement package.

Next Step - Installation and Dedication

  1. Following receipt of the executed BEA and attachments, Aqua will review and approve the service applications and will authorize construction. 
  2. Once authorization is received, Aqua representatives can then attend your pre-construction meeting and installation can proceed per the requirements of the agreement. 
  3. Upon completion of the extension project, and once the work has passed all testing and final inspections and as-built drawings have been approved, Aqua will take dedication of the main extension.
  4. One month following the effective date of the dedication, the builder may request Aqua to lower the bond to not less than 20% of the final cost of construction. If the builder is not in breach of any of the terms of the agreement, Aqua can lower the bond and will hold the 20% as a security for the builders' warranty to Aqua in accordance with the agreement. 
  5. Upon completion of dedication, there will be an 18-month maintenance/warranty period.
  6. Builder may be entitled to refunds for each sewer connection made to the main extension for a period of up to five years of the date of the agreement. Details regarding the refund process and amounts will be provided in the Builders Extension Agreement.
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762 West Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
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