On Tuesday, March 29, we kicked off our first volunteer event in celebration of Essential Earth Day! A group of Aqua employees gathered at Green Lane Reservoir to participate in a live staking project in partnership with Perkiomen Valley Trout Unlimited and Montgomery County Parks.
Live staking is an inexpensive and effective technique to restore eroding stream banks by inserting branch cuttings in areas of soil loss. Once the live stakes grow into new trees, they will establish a root network that will help hold soil in place and prevent sediment pollution in the water during disturbances such as extreme weather events, snowmelt, and stormwater runoff.
During the project, a few volunteers took a moment to collect some macroinvertebrates using a kick net. Different types of macroinvertebrates tolerate various levels of water pollution, so analyzing a sample of these organisms indicates the health and quality of the water. In order to protect and restore these ecosystems, it is important to continuously measure the presence of these organisms and monitor any changes in the health of the water.
We're thankful to partner with organizations like Perkiomen Valley Trout Unlimited so we can continue to work together and protect the streams in the Perkiomen Watershed.
Later in the week, a group of volunteers headed to Lower Perkiomen Valley Park to collect trash along the bank and in the stream near the Oaks Sewage Treatment Plant. From picnic tables and other remnants of Hurricane Ida's flooding to illegal construction material dumping and litter, our volunteers scoured the area to clear it of any debris that could pollute the waterway. By removing trash from these areas, we can keep our natural lands healthier, beautify our communities, and prevent polluted runoff from affecting our water supplies.
Through Essential Earth Day activities, our employees have an opportunity to demonstrate our company's progress toward preserving the health and resilience of our water supplies. By celebrating for not just one day, but an entire month, we're rising up to show the importance of protecting our environment, caring for our communities, demonstrating proper land stewardship, and participating in environmental conservation as we work toward a more sustainable future.
These events are great opportunities to show our care and commitment to our earth while making a true difference in our community. We appreciate all of our employees who came out to protect Green Lane Reservoir and Lower Perkiomen Valley Park!